Why High Fives and Hugs Still Matter

I’ve gone deep down the rabbit hole of AI lately.

Here’s my summary, it’s an awesomely great tool for creating content and getting stuff done quickly BUT real people do still servce a purpose. High fives, fist bumps, a real person greeting you by your name still matter.

Whether you like it or not, robots are coming.

And they’re coming fast.

And they’re going to be replacing a lot of life as we know it, including jobs.

Theoretically, including mine.

I’ve spent thousands of dollars and years learning how to better myself as a human, as a business owner, as a leader and how to improve fitness and nutrition coaching with our staff through continuing education.

It usually takes coaches an hour or so to finesse out a month-long program for an an individual and a couple of hours for our group classes.

Now, with a few strokes on the keyboard, I can ask ChatGPT to write that same program for me in seconds.

Assuming you know what to ask it to do, it does a stunningly good job.

I can tell it to modify based on injuries, equipment, time, etc.

I can add tempo, I can add percentages, I can ask it to write around a menstrual cycle.

Same with meal plans and nutrition.

Type in your goals, bodyweight, preferences and grocery store and you can have a full, customized meal plan (with shopping list) in seconds.

When some gym owners saw this it scared them.

What about their jobs as coaches? What about their secret program that promised abs in minutes? Why would anyone pay to come to their gyms anymore?

Well yeah, if people have been paying them for their program, their macro wizardry, or their “secrets”, they’re screwed.

Because, it’s never been about the program.

It’s never been about the meal plan.

It’s never, ever been about anything that a robot can do.

What I have learned and come to understand more than anything in the world is that none of it is about the program itself.

It’s about the support, emotion, empathy and ability to elicit emotional and behavioral change in someone as you come to understand them as a person and how they react to whatever the plan is.

It’s about helping people modify around their specific challenges in life.

It’s about saying, “hey, I know how it feels to feel that way. I understand. It’s ok, I promise. Here’s what to do to feel better. and keep going.”

Simply, it’s about giving real hugs and real high fives.

It’s about having a community of coaches and members who support you, who care about you showing up and working hard….consistently.

It’s about having a real person call you by your name and ask where you’ve been for 7 days, because we genuienly missed you and care about you.

And you can’t get that from a robot.

If you want the support of a REAL Coach, Fit2Live is your go-to place to be.

We’ll program cool workouts for you, but we’ll also get to know you, your goals and care about you as a human (from another human).

Feel the love of a real coach by starting your fitness journey at Fit2Live today!


Hope to see you for some real high fives and fist bumps soon.

NEXT UP: How We Are Aiming To Change 12,000 Lives In Ann Arbor



💥VOTED BEST GYM IN ANN ARBOR!💥 It’s official! Fit2Live has been crowned the BEST Gym in Ann Arbor by voters of Current Magazine. This recognition


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