6 Tips for a Healthy Summer

As the weather gets warmer our thoughts turn to summer and all the activities that are much more pleasant to do in the warmer months of the year. We think of vacations, picnics, road trips, BBQ, time on a lake or at a pool and a host of other things that we enjoy in the summer.

Perhaps you have spent a lot of time this year focusing on your gym habit and your healthy eating habits and you are wondering how to keep your hard won health and fitness and still enjoy summer.

Good news…You can!

Before I get into the tips for a healthy summer, I want to remind you that your life is not all or nothing. You can enjoy the vacations and picnics and road trips and even the BBQ and you can also look for opportunities to use your functional fitness in creative ways. Perhaps you go for a daily walk after dinner and the kids ride their scooters, perhaps you try some new foods on the grill, perhaps you take our handy 100 at home workouts list and do one of these before you head to the beach for the day. There are so many ways for you to stay healthy and fully embrace the joys of summer.

Here are some simple ways to stay healthy this summer.

6 Tips for a Healthy Summer

#1. Move more, sit less.

Aim to be active at least 3-5 times a week.
Physical activity has immediate benefits for your overall health as well as your stress levels.

    #2. Keep Cool In Extreme Heat

    Set a hydration goal, 60-80 ounces of water per day, and stick with it.

    #3 Eat a Healthy Diet.

    Follow the plate method for easy portion control.
    Explore the local farmer’s market for the fresh local fruits and veggies to fill your plates. This is a great time to try new things that may not be available year round.

    #4. Rethink your drink.

    Flavor your water with fresh fruit, veggies, or herbs. Choose cocktails with lower or no sugar.

    #5. Get an accountability partner.

    Ask a friend or gym buddy to help you stay on track with exercise.

    #6. Don’t forget to sleep!

    Even though it is light longer into the evening and earlier in the morning, you still need your rest and recovery.

    So remember, get out there and enjoy these summer months. Try new experiences and new foods. Come to class when you are in town and find creative ways to move when you are out of town.

    If you would like a little extra help with accountability or support our coaches are here to help.

    Schedule a goal review session and let us help you make a plan for your healthy summer.

    If you’re not a member at Fit2Live what are you waiting for?

    Take that first step towards more fitness RIGHT HERE!

    UP NEXT…3 Areas to Focus on for a Healthier You



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