Rundown week of 1/10 – 1/15/2022

We’ll kick this week off on Monday with a new standard warm-up and a kipping pull-up progression in preparation for a kipping pull-up baseline test (only if you’re ready) and a max push-up baseline test. After the new warm-up and baselines we’ll tackle a for time workout involving calories and plenty of dumbbells in the middle. Tuesday will be a day for shoulder strength with shoulder presses for strength work followed by an AMRAP 12 of hang power snatches and dips. We’ll tackle pause back squats on Wednesday followed by an alternating EMOM 14 of burpee box jumps and split lunge rows. Thursday will be a very active recovery day with step-ups followed by max repetitions of calories, ball slams, swings or sit-ups in an AMRAP 3 format. We’ll tackle a classic and effective workout on Friday with FRAN! The week will be wrapped up with a “Don’t get swallowed workout” involving rowing and burpeese.


New Standard Warm-Up:
This week we will be introducing our new standard warm-up and new 6 week goals in all classes.
These goals will run from January 10th-February 19th
New Warm Up: 8 minutes to complete the following
Run/Row 400m/Bike 1000m, 5 inch worm + stepping mountain climber each side, 5 PVC Rollouts, 5 Reverse Rollouts, 15 ohs, 5 tempo push-ups (3:2:1), 10 Deadbugs Total, 10 hollow body rocks, 5 Strict Pull-ups, 5 Quality burpeese, 10 beat swings, back plank in remaining time


Do You Need Machines to Get Fit?

Here’s a big question in the fitness world: Do you need machines to get fit? The short answer: No.  Here’s a very quick history lesson:


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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