If you want to change things, start with yourself.
Change is a game of momentum.
Nothing changes until you do.
Go outside more.
Eat an apple.
Have some positive self talk.
Call it meditation if you want.
Skip dessert.
Do some squats in the hallway.
Start a little business in the evening.
Read fiction.
Eliminate your credit card debts.
Go to bed by 10.
Then help your friends and family.
Invite them for a walk at lunch.
Show them how to squat.
Give them a book.
Tell them a joke.
Teach your kids about money.
Tell them “We’ll do this together.”
Then help your neighbors.
Open a gym.
Drive them to the doctor.
Give them a job.
Tell them what to eat.
Give them a hand when they’re down.
Pat their back when they’re up.
Drive them to the store.
Say “come with me.”
Change is a game of momentum.
Nothing changes until you do.
We’ve got a whole community of coaches and members who say “come with me” each and everyday at Fit2Live.
They support each other, pick each other up when they are down and celebrate their wins.
It all starts with their internal decision to want to change and make a positive impact on the world.
Will you do the same?