There are plenty of gyms in Ann Arbor who offer the “best deals” “huge discounts” and the “lowest prices”.
Fit2Live is not one of those gyms.
We won’t spend $100,000 on equipment every year.
We won’t provide 24-hour keycard access.
We don’t provide towels, or run a juice bar, although a lot of our members wish we did ;).
We sell coaching.
Coaching is more than teaching, more than cheerleading, more than dictating.
We don’t just provide access to equipment, we deliver people from their current state to their goals.
Reaching their goals requires hard work.
But before hard work comes motivation, and before motivation comes behavioral change.
I can’t out-yell a bad lifestyle.
No goal is motivational enough to pull a member past every temptation, every late-night craving, every moment of weakness.
None. The knowledge “this is bad for me” won’t overcome “I want this right now” without practice.
People do things for a reason. That reason is rarely logical.
Most even know what they “should” do.
Our job is to inspire them to want to do it for the rest of their lives.
We’re a Coaching gym that focuses on fun, consistency, and REAL sustainable lifestyle change.
And guess what, IT WORKS!
When you start to think of your gym as a necessary investment in your future self rather than an expense in the moment you realize quickly that you get what you pay for.
At the end of the day, a gym that costs $30 a month that you go to twice a year costs you $180 per visit!
A gym like Fit2Live that is $170 a month but gets you excited to show up 20 times in a month and focus on real sustainable change only costs $8.50 per visit with much much different results to show for it.
The next time you are looking for the best deal, best discount, or best price, ask yourself what you’re really paying for and what you are really getting in the long term?
If you’re ready to invest in a gym that cares about you and your results we are ready to help.