Meet Mark- 750 Class Club Member!

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This is Mark.

Mark has been a staple in the Fit2Live community since 2017.

He’s a busy doctor with a busy schedule and not a lot of energy to give most days.

He knew his health needed to be a priority but he didn’t know where to start and was intimidated by the thought of starting a new workout routine and fitting it into his busy schedule.

Fast forward 6 years later and Mark has never been healthier.

He found what he needed.

Coaches who care about his progress and a supportive community to build him up and make his fitness journey fun along the way.

Mark regularly uses his acquired fitness for triathlons, CrossFit competitions, hiking, traveling the world, and doing his full-time job in the hospital helping others.

Are you ready to join Mark and the amazing community at Fit2Live?

Not sure where to start?

Just do what Mark did in 2017, make that first decision to come chat with us.

Book your FREE No Sweat Intro Consultation and we’ll do the rest.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

You too can be as awesome as Mark….but you need to start investing and prioritizing your health now, just like Mark did 6 years ago.

We hope to see you soon!


Next up: Meet Dawn- 750 class club member!



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Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


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