How to know if Fit2Live is the right gym for you?

At Fit2Live, we love to Coach and we love to help.

We aren’t an access gym that you pay $10-$30 a month to come to every once in awhile.

We are a high accountability, relationship based, COACHING gym.

If you are looking to do your own thing without the guidance of a Coach and supportive community, Fit2Live likely isn’t the right place for you.

Maybe you have it all figured out and you don’t need a Coach and more accountability.

If that’s the case great, keep it up!


If you’re stuck, unsure of what to do when you’re at the gym, need the accountability, the expert Coaching, the variety, the knowledge, the safety of moving your body and the long term sustainable results, WE CAN HELP!

When looking for your next gym or Coach, decide whether that gym or person has your best interests at heart to help you succeed.

You also want to know that you will not be forgotten about once your membership is processed.

As you continue to achieve your goals, this gym should help you continually set new goals and new paths to help you get there.

Lastly, make sure the environment you are walking into is one that will uplift you, support you and not draw from you.

Choosing a gym to start can be stressful, and oftentimes we end up seeking the cheapest option rather than the highest quality option.

Don’t get caught up in the price tag. That price tag is set for a reason. You get what you pay for.

At Fit2Live, we try to make getting started as easy and non intimidating as possible.

We start with a simple and free chat called our No Sweat Intro Consultation.

We get to know you, your goals and how we can best help you to get started and best help you in the long term.

We really map out what success looks like to you and how we can safely get you there.


If you’re interested in sitting down with a Coach at Fit2Live to discuss your goals, your expectations, and whether we are the right fit for you, book your FREE No Sweat Intro HERE.

We’re excited to start your fitness journey soon!


NEXT UP: How we are aiming to change 12,000 lives in Ann Arbor.




Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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