This week the handstand hold is increasing to 25 seconds. Monday kicks off with overhead squats and a pyramid WOD with DB devil presses, hang power cleans, and reverse lunges. Tuesday will be brutal intervals of handstand skill work and machine machine/shuttle run sprints after. Wednesday has KB strength work, box jumps, wall balls, and toes to bar. Thursday is 28 minutes of get ripped and get a 6 pack. Friday is 21 rounds of squat cleans and handstand push ups. And Saturday is a fun “Wannabe Nate” WOD with upper body strength work and doubles. Another great week! Have fun! Work hard!
How to make constant progress towards your health and fitness for life!
How to make constant progress towards your health and fitness for life! Spoiler: JUST DON’T STOP! It’s okay to change your mind. You are not