Rachel and Chris Bergmans- MEMBERS OF THE MONTH FOR FEBRUARY 2024!

February 2024


This month’s spotlight is on the uber consistent, friendly and driven power couple Rachel and Chris Bergmans!

Rachel started her Fit2Live journey in the Spring of 2021 and Chris followed in November of 2021.

Rachel and Chris are staples in class at Fit2Live. Rachel stays focused, Chris cracks a few jokes and they both work hard and offer up plenty of high fives, support and camaraderie.

They are super easy to strike up a conversation with and are both amazing parents to their son.

Rachel is a new member of the 500 class club and Chris is hot on her heals with over 400 classes notched.

They both show up, work hard, show support for their fellow F2L’ers and have tons of health and fitness to show for it.

We are lucky to have this awesome couple with us at Fit2Live.

For these reasons and many more, Rachel and Chris have been chosen as our members of the month for February of 2024!

Tell us about yourselves, where you’re from, what you do for work, hobbies, what do you do outside of work and Fit2Live?

Rachel-I’m originally from a small town in Ontario. I am a research professor at the University of Michigan. My work focuses on addressing inequities in pain care and research. One of my favorite roles is mentoring undergrad and graduate students in research and career development. Hobbies include Fit2Live, mountain biking, xc skiing, camping, and running. I love doing anything with our son, going to the gym with Chris, and dinner parties with friends.

Chris-Originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan, I’ve been a realtor here in Ann Arbor for nearly a decade. When I’m not working, I enjoy cooking, home improvement projects, mountain biking, xc skiing, and golf. I get the most joy out of spending time with my family. I’m also a mentor through Our House, which is an organization that supports youth aging out of foster care.

Tell us your love story but spare us some of the sappy details. How did you meet, first date, proposal details, etc.

We met in 2010 at Founders Brewery. Before approaching Rachel, Chris joked to one of his friends that he was going to marry her. This happened 1 week before Rachel left to teach in Bangkok for a semester. We dated long distance and got engaged and married in 2013.

When and why did you get started at Fit2Live?

Rachel-I started in the Spring of 2021 towards the end of the pandemic. At the time, I was craving a fun fitness community with some lighthearted competition.

Chris-I got started 6 months after Rachel to get back to pre-pandemic shape.

What do you love about Fit2Live? What keeps you coming back with a smile on your face?

Rachel-I love the programming and the community. It’s like having a personal trainer where you know you’re going to get a good workout even if you don’t feel motivated at the start of class and walk out feeling great.

Chris-Number one, the community. I’ve really enjoyed the relationships that I get to have through Fit2Live. Coaches included! I didn’t think I’d like working out in a group setting, but now I’m never going back.

Rachel, describe Chris in 1 sentence to someone who hasn’t met him. Chris, describe Rachel in 1 sentence to someone who has never met her.

Rachel-Chris is a little corny and loud, but at his core he’s a sweetie who you want in your corner.

Chris-Rachel is smart, loving, determined, and a great partner and mom.

How are you two alike and how are you two not alike?

Besides looking like siblings and sharing our love for family and fitness, we have almost nothing in common but somehow it works perfectly. LOL!

Give us a fun, maybe unknown fact about yourselves.

Rachel-I’ve traveled to places on 4 continents.

Chris-I make good pizza, the best in town according to Rachel.

Give yourself a power couple nickname. Now make a power couple workout with that nickname: Maybe wedding anniversary themed. What does it look like movements, reps, rounds, etc.


For time:

5 Hang Cleans 85/135

30 Wall Balls 14/20

200 m Run or Row

10 Hang Cleans

20 Wall Balls

400 m Run or Row

15 Hang Cleans

10 Wall Balls

800 m Run or Row

What is your favorite song, movie, tv show, book, and quote?


Song-The Lark Ascending

Movie-A Knight’s Tale

TV Show-Foundation

Book-Catfish and Mandala

Quote- “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela


Song-It changes, but currently Grinding all my life by Nipsey Hussle

Movie-The Notebook

TV Show-The Bachelor/Bachelorette but only so I can fully appreciate the Bachelor in Paradise.

Book-I prefer podcasts.

Quote-“This team is going to kick you in the teeth and when you knock us down, on the way up, we’re going to bite a kneecap off and we’re going to get up and if you knock us down again, we’re going to get up and bite off the other kneecap.”- Dan Campbell

What is your biggest fitness accomplishment to-date and what fitness goal are you most pursuing/working towards currently?

Rachel-It felt pretty great the first time I got double-unders, which took about a year. My fitness goals are to avoid injury, get 20 classes in per month, and run 5-10 miles a week.

Chris-My biggest accomplishment has been coming to the gym on a consistent basis and looking forward to it as part of my regular schedule. A muscle-up is my goal for 2024.

What is your couple mission statement or essential goal as a couple?

Be really good parents, help build a positive community, and dedicate time to mentoring.


NEXT UP: Stephen Leverett, Member of the Month For January 2024!



💥VOTED BEST GYM IN ANN ARBOR!💥 It’s official! Fit2Live has been crowned the BEST Gym in Ann Arbor by voters of Current Magazine. This recognition


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