How We Prevent Chronic Disease at Fit2Live
This morning one of our awesome new members asked if working out, increasing strength, and improving fitness would allow them to recover from sickness or potential injury in the future faster?
The definition of health is fitness + luck over a sustainable period of time (your lifespan).
The short answer to the question above is yes, or at the very least it definitely won’t hurt.
Obviously, if you get hit by a bus (bad luck) no matter how big, strong, and fit you are it’s probably not going to matter!
But if you don’t get hit by said bus and you consistently work on your healthy lifestyle habits (sleep, hydration, eating real foods, not too much AND daily movement) and move closer to fitness and further away from sickness you will undoubtedly be more resilient and have greater abilities to recover from future sickness and injury, think of it as your greatest, most valuable insurance policy.
It also got me thinking of The Sickness-Wellness-Fitness Continuum pictured below from CrossFit.
The leading cause of death (over 70%) worldwide is chronic disease. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers are mostly preventable with diet and exercise. Over 80% of health costs are for treating (mostly unsuccessfully) chronic disease as well.
Why should you strive to be closer to FITNESS?
We find that fitness can act as added protection against sickness or injury. The fit person has to regress to wellness to reach actual sickness.
One study recently found that about 92.3% of COVID related deaths had co-morbidities present, meaning that the deaths potentially could have been prevented if the person were healthier to begin with.
At Fit2Live, it is our mission to improve our clients overall quality of life and health through strategic exercise and nutrition coaching.
We help our members lose weight, gain lean muscle, and improve their fitness so they can be healthy and happy for life. Period.
How do we work towards and improve our fitness?
Your overall health is determined not only by diet and exercise but also your daily habits, such as sleep, hydration, nutrition and how you manage stress. The easiest way to improve your health and fitness is through daily exercise and sound nutrition. Without exercise, you are limiting how healthy you can be.
At Fit2Live, we help you stay consistent with the most important lifestyle habits through Nutrition and Fitness Coaching that anyone could need to live a fit, happy, and healthy life! We also strive to make moving our bodies fun with a supportive community and well balanced constantly varied workout of the day.
We can help you too! Protect yourself against sickness and give yourself a greater hedge against bad luck in our healthy fitness community.
Your first step is to book a free intro consultation HERE.
A year from now you’ll thank yourself for making the best investment and insurance policy available, one that involves taking control of your health and fitness now to prevent chronic disease in the future!
See you soon!