You can have all of the knowledge and intellect in the world BUT if you don’t consistently take action, nothing will change.
We mostly know what we should and shouldn’t eat.
We know we should move our body regularly.
We know we should drink more water and get more quality sleep.
We know we should eat less fast food and drink a few less beers.
So why is 74% of the US population overweight and/or obese?
There are many answers here.
But I think the greatest common denominator in us not taking action from our knowledge is the lack of accountability, the lack of a support system, and the lack of personal standards.
Stop scrolling for a secret answer or solution.
Stop filling your head with the latest and greatest health and fitness trends.
You don’t need more information.
You need consistent action on doing the simple, sometimes boring things.
You need a support system to build you up mentally and physically and to support you when you are down.
You need to raise the floor of your standards.
That’s where Fit2Live comes in.
We’ve got coaches who hold you accountable, support you, and keep you taking action consistently.
We’ve got a community to build you up and get you excited to keep moving.
We’ve got higher standards for our health than the average American.