2 Tips for Peak ⛰️ Workout Performance

Have you ever started a workout only to realize your energy levels couldn’t keep up, or hit that wall and watched the clock crawl by? If so, you’re not alone—I’ve been there too!

The truth is that nutrition plays a pivotal role in fueling your body for peak performance.

Here are two tips to help you power through workouts and achieve your personal records (PRs):

Tip #1: Embrace Consistency

Forget the old advice about carb-loading the day before a significant workout; the key is consistent nutrition. Focus on whole foods, maintain a balance of carbs, fats, and proteins, and stay hydrated consistently—not just on the eve of your workout. Consistency is the cornerstone. Consistency does not mean perfection, it means staying the course and regularly making choices that move you in the direction of your goals.

Tip #2: Time Your Fuel

For morning workouts, fuel up with a mix of carbohydrates and protein with a focus on carbohydrates before you start. If eating early is a challenge, opt for a liquid source like a smoothie or a Fuel for Fire pouch.

If your workouts are in the afternoon or evening, stick to your regular balanced meals and snacks. Consume carbs about an hour before the session. Post-workout, replenish energy and support muscle building with a protein and carb-rich shake or snack; personally, I prefer whey protein powder and milk or water. If I know I will not be having a meal within an hour of my workout, I will add some fruit and/or veggies.

Try this smoothie for a post workout treat

For optimal recovery, have a balanced meal post-workout, stay hydrated, and ensure you get sufficient rest. Consider adding an omega source to aid in the recovery process.

If you have more questions on how to elevate your performance in the gym

Make an appointment with Coach EJ

Learn how good nutrition, hydration, sleep and stress management all have a positive or negative effect on your workouts.

UP NEXT…3 Things that may be Slowing Down Your Progress in the Gym


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