3 Areas to Focus on to Compliment Your New Exercise Routine

3 Areas to Focus on to Compliment Your New Exercise Routine

Do you find that everywhere you look influencers are focused solely on weight training and exercises to get the progress you are looking for?


The truth is that exercise is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to meeting your health and wellness goals.


Almost everyone has heard of the saying “You can’t outrun a bad diet,” well I am here to tell you that is NOT a myth.

The most common misconception occurs with the progress we make in our initial attempts at weight loss. Most of us have been there, we start exercising and our bodies start to change in ways we enjoy.


BUT, eventually that stops or we end up right back where we started– or worse.


This happens because we don’t change other areas of our life to match the effort we put in at the gym.

We spend 4% of our time in the gym, the other 96% of the time we are on our own and NEED to work on and stay mindful of our healthy lifestyle habits to really see sustainable change.


Here are 3 other areas to focus on to compliment your new exercise routine:


#1. Sleep

Ideally you should aim for 7+ hours of sleep per night. Remember, we can live longer without food and water than we can without quality sleep.


#2. Nutrition

Focus on eating mostly whole foods. Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store.

If it has more than 5 ingredients, a fancy label or you can’t pronounce the ingredients than it probably isn’t real food.


#3. Daily Movement

Moving your body outside of the gym matters even more than in the gym.

Try to integrate at least 30 minutes of daily movement into your routine when possible. Walking, biking, swimming, taking the stairs, etc.


If we are being 100% candid with you the most important thing to do is to find a nutrition coach to help keep you accountable. Now you might be saying- of course you would say that it’s your job to. WRONG!

We created a nutrition and wellness coaching program because we saw that our clients needed more and they didn’t have anyone to help hold them accountable to meeting their goals.


So if you are ready to get started we are ready to help!


The best part is all you have to do is reply to this email or Book your free intro HERE.


We are excited to help you soon!





A Gym Is More Than A Rubber Floor

A gym is more than just equipment and mirrors. It’s more than a workout. It’s more than looking great naked. It’s a platform for good.


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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