3 Tips To Improve Your 💪 Performance in the Gym

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3 Tips To Improve Your 💪 Performance in the Gym

Are you confused when it comes to figuring out what to eat to improve your performance in the gym?

There are so many flashy tips and tricks to try, but here are 3 that will help you the most.

#1. Fuel Your Body Throughout The Day, Not Just After Your Workout

Have you heard that you should eat something within 30-60 minutes of your workout?

While there is some truth to that, eating adequate protein, carbohydrates and fat throughout the day is more important than having a protein shake after your workout.

Remember to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store as much as possible when shopping.

Try to sneak in 1-2 whole food snacks throughout the day, serving size should be half the size of a regular meal.

Unsure what you should be eating throughout the day to increase energy, feel better and achieve your weight loss/health goals?

Set up an appointment with me to discuss your best choices for pre and post workout nutrition as well as fueling all day. Schedule a 45 Minute Nutrition Strategy Session HERE.

#2. Prioritize Whole Foods & Omega 3s

Omega 3s help fight inflammation.

Eating foods that are high in DHA and EPA will help your body recover.

There is also a significant correlation between omega 3 consumption and brain health, anxiety and depression.

Foods that are high in Omega 3s include wild caught salmon, almonds, pecans, walnuts and chia seeds.

#3. Decrease Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption will impact performance and recovery.

Alcohol decreases production of hormones associated with muscular growth.

It is also quite the disrupter of quality sleep, our most important recovery tool.

For details on how alcohol influences your performance in the gym, listen to this podcast HERE.

Remember What You Do the 23 Hours Outside of the Gym Make the Biggest Impact!

Check out our tips for eating more vegetables HERE.



Do You Need Machines to Get Fit?

Here’s a big question in the fitness world: Do you need machines to get fit? The short answer: No.  Here’s a very quick history lesson:


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