Lots of bodyweight movement


8 minutes to complete: 400m run 5 Bird Dogs each side 5 Forward Rollouts 5 Reverse Rollouts 10 Slow Mountain Climbers 10 Hollow Body Rocks 5 Scapular Pull-Ups 5 Strict Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Wall Squats 5 Reverse Lunge + Single Leg RDL each leg M/W/F- Back Plank in remaining time T/TH/SA- Hollow Body Hold in remaining time

Watch the Standard Warm-Up Video Here


Workout brief click here

For Time, Time cap 24 min:

  • 10 Pistols
  • 10 Pull ups
  • 800 meter Run
  • 20 Air squats
  • 20 Pull ups
  • 800 meter run
  • 20 Air squats
  • 20 Pull ups
  • 800 meter run
  • 10 Pistols
  • 10 Pull ups


At minute 24: 

  • 100 abmat sit ups

With the time cap being 24 minutes, try to finish the workout under 24 minutes.  It’s okay if some people don’t get very close to finishing in the 24 minutes.  Because these are body weight movements, people doing what they can within the 24 minute cap will be appropriate.  Everyone will start doing the 100 abmat sit ups at minute 24 together as a class.  If you can’t do 5 or more kipping pull ups then do jumping pull ups.  You may do a mixture of jumping and kipping pull ups if you are right on the border of 5 kipping pull ups.  Choose a pistol progression that challenges you yet you can move through the reps consistently. 

Pistols scales:  Pistols – heel elevated – holding weight out – curtsy pistol- pistol to a box – lunges

Pull ups cales:  kipping or butterfly pull ups – jumping pull ups (dynamic, not jumping negatives) – ring rows



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