It’s easy to get stuck in the gap during tough times or on a weight loss journey.
Here are some tips to avoiding the gap.
*Compare yourself to your past self.
*Appreciate and be grateful for how far you’ve come and what you still have.
*See and chase the future goals but don’t get sucked into the gap of comparison.
*Love the journey you’re on of getting a little better than yesterday.
What is your process for self gratitude?
Are you celebrating your wins and bright spots along the way?
Do you measure yourself against your past self or against someone on a different path than you?
The more you measure gains, the more gains you’ll see.
The more gains you see the more gains you’ll create.
The more gains you create, the happier and freer you’ll become.
There are wins everywhere if you see them and recognize them.
Unfortunately the inverse is true.
The more negative things you see, the more negative you become.
You have a choice.
Live in the gain….avoid the gap and CRUSH IT!