Ball slams and running!

Today’s WOD (Workout Of the Day) at Joust Strength + Fitness Ann Arbor, MI


New Standard Warm-Up:
5 Dead bugs each side 5 Prone Angels 5 PVC Forward Rollouts 5 PVC Reverse Rollouts 10 Alternating World’s Greatest Stretch Rotations 5x Inch Worm + Push-Up + Squat to Hamstring Stretch 400m Row 10 Alternating Side Lunges 15 Overhead Squats Burpeese in remaining time!

Watch the Standard Warm-Up Video Here



Workout video brief


AMRAP 21 of:

  • 10 Ball Slams (20/30)
  • 200m Run
  • 12 Ground to over the shoulder total
  • 200m Run
  • 14 Bear Hug Alternating Lunges Total
  • 200m Run

Stimulus Goal:

Why Do This Workout?

Today is all about work. Imagine you are on the farm in Iowa, bailing hay, picking up hogs, shoveling manure, running from one job to another and working hard! That’s what today is all about, it just won’t stink as much as shoveling manure.

You’ll have more cardio respiratory endurance and ability to do grunt work, on the farm or in your yard, you pick ;).

Volume and Feel: 4-5 Rounds, nice and steady, constant pace. This should feel doable until the final round push to finish.

Slam Ball Weight: Should feel moderate, you should have no problem going unbroken on all slam ball movements today.

Specific warm-up focus: Slam ball overview and warm-up.

Scaling Options: Lighter weight on slam ball. Row instead of run.

At Home Options: Do single dumbbell alternating power snatches in place of ball slams, do single arm alternating power cleans in place of ground to over the shoulder, do alternating goblet lunges in place of bear hug lunges. Do 1 minute of cardio of your choice in place of 200m run.


Do You Need Machines to Get Fit?

Here’s a big question in the fitness world: Do you need machines to get fit? The short answer: No.  Here’s a very quick history lesson:


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


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