Reset Your Health in Three Easy Steps

Reset your health in three easy steps.

We live in a society where being busy is better but what if it’s not?

The problem is this leaves us overwhelmed and feeling like we didn’t do enough.

Have you ever asked yourself, what did I actually get done today?

When we fill our schedules to the max, our health and wellness often get pushed to the back burner.

We only get one body, we need to take care of it by how we fuel it, how often we move, how we recover, and our mindset!

Here are 3 steps to reset your health.

Step 1: Self Assessment

Give yourself a grade, A-F, in each of the following areas.

  1. Nutrition – Do you eat protein with each meal and snack? Do you eat 3-5 servings of veggies/day?
  2. Stress management and mindset – Stress is inevitable, how are you managing it?
  3. Sleep – Research shows getting 7-8 hours of sleep/night will aid in muscle recovery and help you better deal with the stressors of life. Are you consistently getting 7-8 hours of sleep?
  4. Exercise – It is recommended that a minimum of 30 minutes of deliberate movement/day will add a safeguard against chronic disease. Are you choosing to move a minimum of 30 minutes/day?
  5. Support system – Do the 5 people you spend the most time with support or hinder you in your health and fitness goals?

Step 2: Choose your one thing and get started.

    The reason that so many people fail in their health and fitness goals is because they try to make too many changes at one time. If you make one change, you are 80% likely to make that change a lifelong habit. If you make two changes, that percentage falls to 30% and making three changes brings the chance that you keep that change down to just 5%!

    What is the one area from your self assessment that you think has the most effect on your overall health and wellness? Start with that one area and set a goal for that one thing.

    40% of daily actions are automatic — I would venture to say that for many people – those 40% are not serving you in what you want for your health and wellness goals. Your habits become your routine, and your routine becomes your lifestyle. Are your daily habits moving you towards or away from your goals? For most of us, we have GREAT intentions, but there are roadblocks, temptations, or things that get in the way!

    Think about building a house—it is built on a solid foundation, and workers lay brick by brick to make an amazing house. The same thing goes for your life — your daily habits are your life. Slowing down and focusing on one thing will speed up your progress. Think about the last time you tried to lose weight or diet; how many things did you try simultaneously? Probably a lot. Instead, you need to focus on one thing at a time.

    Step 3: Find your Tribe

    You should have your five people, but you should also have a tribe that you can connect with through a common thread! There are so many options, such as connecting with those who are ahead of you in your health and wellness journey. You should always have someone who is one step ahead of you, someone you can confide in and someone you can learn from!

    Why reinvent the wheel? Align yourself with someone who is many steps ahead of you so you can fast-track your progress!! Reach your health and wellness goals much faster.

    We need a coach or mentor who can help us make a change fast to help us get there sooner!

    Read about the importance of a good support system: Why You Need A Gym Buddy

    Then, we need the cheerleaders to support you and encourage you, and we also need some students to learn from you.

    So, who is in your tribe?

    There is no better time than the present to get started and we are here to help!

    Schedule an appointment today for a Goal Review session. Discuss with one of our coaches the answers to your self assessment and let them help you to take the next step toward achieving your goals.

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