Meet Dawn 750 Class Club Member!

Check out this badass woman with the orange Fit2Live shirt!

She has been kicking butt at Fit2Live since October of 2016 and is our newest member of the Fit2Live 750 class club!

She’s a mom of two, a full time grad student and has a job or two on the side.

She’s busy.

She’s been through tough times and has continued to prioritize her health and fitness.

She knows how important it is to herself, her kids, and her long term health goals.

Dawn has made Fit2Live a priority for close to 8 years now!

She constantly brings a positive and supportive energy with her to class no matter what she has going on in her life.

If Dawn’s in class, you know she’ll be bringing some good vibes.

You too can enjoy the good vibes with Dawn at Fit2Live.

We get it, you’re busy and tired.

So is Dawn.

Yet she has accomplished some very impressive things with her crazy schedule and continues to show up to work on her health and fitness.

You can too!

One day you just might find yourself in the 750 class club too!


A Gym Is More Than A Rubber Floor

A gym is more than just equipment and mirrors. It’s more than a workout. It’s more than looking great naked. It’s a platform for good.


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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