Front squats and 21-15-9


8 minutes to complete: 400m run 5 Bird Dogs each side 5 Forward Rollouts 5 Reverse Rollouts 10 Slow Mountain Climbers 10 Hollow Body Rocks 5 Scapular Pull-Ups 5 Strict Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Wall Squats 5 Reverse Lunge + Single Leg RDL each leg M/W/F- Back Plank in remaining time T/TH/SA- Hollow Body Hold in remaining time

Watch the Standard Warm-Up Video Here


Workout brief click here

Front squat:

  • 5 sets of 5 reps with a 5 second negative.  Start at 60% and build to a heavy weight from there.


  • Thrusters (65/95)
  • Toes to bar

For the front squat strength, do one warm up set, then get into the 5 working sets.  Start at 60% for the first set and build up as stated above. Every single rep will be a 5 count negative.  Make sure to be disciplined with this.  If squatting too fast, slow down or pull weight off.  If going too light, add weight.  Scale as needed!  

The thrusters should be a weight that people can do 21 reps when they are fresh.  They may want to split the 21 reps up into 2 or 3 sets to pace the workout though.  If they have to split the 21 thrusters up into more than 3 sets, then they are using too heavy a weight.  If they need to split the 21 toes to bar into more than 4 sets, then they need to modify the movement. The goal for this workout is 4 to 8 minutes.  Some people may take a little longer than 8 minutes which is okay.


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