A lot of fitness

Today’s WOD (Workout Of the Day) at Joust Strength + Fitness Ann Arbor, MI


New Standard Warm-Up:
5 Dead bugs each side 5 Prone Angels 5 PVC Forward Rollouts 5 PVC Reverse Rollouts 10 Alternating World’s Greatest Stretch Rotations 5x Inch Worm + Push-Up + Squat to Hamstring Stretch 400m Row 10 Alternating Side Lunges 15 Overhead Squats Burpeese in remaining time!

Watch the Standard Warm-Up Video Here



Workout video brief



Burpeese (March challenge #2)

*Record times to BTWB after class. Max burpeese for male and female gets a t-shirt! Most creative burpee video gets a shirt!


Back squat refresher and overview from the rack (2-4 minutes)


Back Squats: 6×5 build to a heavy set of 5


For Time!

16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 of:

  • Single DB Alternating Renegade Rows Total (35/50) (no push-up)
  • DB Back Rack Step-Ups Total (20/24) (35/50)


Stimulus Goal:

Why Do This Workout?

Gear up for another fitness challenge, this time….burpeese! Oh yes, there will be burpeese. Nothing you can’t handle, just take it one rep at a time and have some fun!

We’ll get back into adding some functional strength and size to the strongest joint in the body, the hip. There aren’t many movements that rival the back squat in terms of developing hip and core strength. You ain’t squat if you don’t squat!

You’ll have much more core, shoulder and glute stability and strength after the countdown workout today!

All the fitness coming at you on a Monday!

Duration and Feel: Build to a relatively heavy back squat today for the strength work, somewhere between 80-85% of your old 1 rep max if known. Between 10-14 minutes. The countdown workout will get your heart rate up quick, try to keep it there, hang on and get your work done!

DB Weight: Dumbbell should feel a little on the heavy side for the renegade rows, you may need to break the bigger sets up 1 time today. You should be able to go unbroken on all step-up today, it won’t be easy.

Specific warm-up focus: 5 minutes of burpeese and back squat refresher and overview.

Scaling Options: Lighter weight on DB, lower height on step-ups.

At Home Options: Put a single dumbbell on your shoulders and do 5×10 to get close to the stimulus of a barbell on your back for 5 reps. Do the WOD as is, sub back rack lunges if nothing to step-up on


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