Tabata Core and Cardio

Standard warm up, 8 Minutes to complete:
400m Run/Row or 1000m Bike, 5 forward PVC Rollouts, 5 reverse PVC rollouts, 15 PVC Overhead Squats, 5 Inch Worms + 2 Shoulder Taps at top and bottom, 20 Seal Jumping Jacks, 5 Piked Push-Ups, 5 Strict Chin-Ups, 15 second hollow body hold, 15 second arch body hold,  practice kicking up to handstand in remaining time

Warm up link here


Tabata fun!

-Tabata L-sits (8 rounds 20/10)

3 minutes easy row

-Tabata Forward Plank (8 rounds 20/10)

3 minutes easy biking

-Tabata Hollow body (8 rounds 20/10)

3 minutes easy Single-unders

-Tabata Banded hip bridge (mini band just below knees) (8 rounds 20/10)

3 minutes easy Stair jogs

Stimulus Goal:

Why Do This Workout?  To recover while also working on getting a ripped 6 pack! This core and cardio workout will make you feel good AND look good! Don’t worry though, you already look good. 

Duration and Feel: When this is summed up, it totals 28 minutes. Overall, the workout should feel moderate. The Tabata core sections will be challenging, but the 3 minute cardio pieces are supposed to be at an easy pace so make sure they feel that way.  

Specific warm-up focus: Animals crawls, dynamics, foam rolling, mix it up. 

Scaling Options: L sit with two legs straight, to one leg straight, to both legs bent. Can also do it hanging. Plank on knees if needed. Ski erg or do some heel heel toe toe walking. 


Do You Need Machines to Get Fit?

Here’s a big question in the fitness world: Do you need machines to get fit? The short answer: No.  Here’s a very quick history lesson:


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