Cleans on cleans

Today’s WOD (Workout Of the Day) at Joust Strength + Fitness Ann Arbor, MI


New Standard Warm-Up:
5 Dead bugs each side 5 Prone Angels 5 PVC Forward Rollouts 5 PVC Reverse Rollouts 10 Alternating World’s Greatest Stretch Rotations 5x Inch Worm + Push-Up + Squat to Hamstring Stretch 400m Row 10 Alternating Side Lunges 15 Overhead Squats Burpeese in remaining time!

Watch the Standard Warm-Up Video Here



Workout video brief


Build to a heavy squat clean in 15 minutes



For time:

5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5 of:

Hang Squat Clean (95/135lbs)

Box Jumps (24/30”)

Stimulus Goal:

Why Do This Workout?

To see how much weight we can take from the ground to our shoulders. Squatting under the bar/meeting it halfway will be the key to maximizing your fitness and ability to move a heavy weight from the floor to your shoulders, aka the squat clean.

The workout will take that same squat clean movement and will apply it in hang form under a little fatigue. Couple that with box jumps and you’ve got yourself a recipe for more functional fitness and health!

Duration and Feel: Between 5-7 minutes. Short, sweet and intense. Try to go unbroken on all sets of hang squat cleans. You should need a big breath of fresh air after this workout is complete.

Barbell Weight and box height: Build to a heavy but smooth squat clean, don’t let your technique breakdown. Go with a weight that is moderately heavy for hang squat cleans, a weight you could do 6-8 unbroken while fresh, you should be able to go unbroken on all sets today but it won’t be easy. Bump up 2-4 inches in height on box jumps from what you normally do.

Specific warm-up focus: Squat clean progression and warm-up.

Scaling Options: Lighter weight on barbell. Lower height on box jumps.

At Home Options: Work on dumbbell squat cleans for 12-15 minutes, alternating arms each repetition. Use a dumbbell for the workout and double the volume, 5 hang squat cleans each arm in round 1. Do invisible box jumps in place of box jumps



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