Member of the Month- Prasanna Nagabushan-Venkatesh

November 2018

Get to know Prasanna’s Success Story at Fit2Live Below!

Prasanna has been waking up for the 6am class at Fit2Live since 2014. He has been a staple member of our community for the last five years and consistently brings a no excuses, hard working attitude to the morning crew. He has made fitness a priority in his life and has seen countless mental and physical benefits from working out at Fit2Live.

Tell us a little about yourself, where you’re from, what you do outside of Fit2Live, family, hobbies, etc.

I was born and raised in Bangalore, South India. I came to U.S. in fall 2007 for my MSME @ Wayne State in Detroit. After graduation, I moved to Chicago for 4ish years and back “home” to MI in January 2014. I live in Ann Arbor with my wife Brinda and a little firecracker Raghav who will be 4 this November. I work as an Engineer doing development work in the auto industry. I love being active, traveling and cooking.

When and why did you get started at Fit2Live?

I developed an active life style with strength training/high intensity cardio after I realized that 215 pounds was not a healthy weight for me. I started researching about CrossFit since the beginning of January 2014. It took almost 9 plus months to gain confidence to attempt it. I finally joined Fit2Live around Thanksgiving of 2014. I feel, I am in the best state [both mentally and physically] of my life.

Proudest CrossFit moment/achievement to date?

Fall Brawl was certainly the proudest CrossFit moment. Made me get out of my comfort zone and participate [Thanks to Ryan and “6am WOD squad” teammate Mandie]

You are a very consistent and a staple member of the 6am crew. What do you like about the 6am class and what keeps you motivated to consistently get to the 6am class?

It’s the 6am folks that keep me motivated and get to class regularly. I love the early morning adrenaline rush. Job DONE = NO anxiety for rest of the day. More over Eric brings his awesome PRETZELS only @ 6am 🙂

If you could make the workout “Prasanna”, what would it look like (movements, repetitions, etc)?

Buy In: 100 DUs

3 rounds for time:
5 Power snatches 65/95#
10 Pull ups
15 Power cleans 65/95#
20 Kettle bell swings 16/24 kg
25 Wall balls 14/20#
30 Sit ups

Cash Out: 400m run / row 

What keeps you coming back to Fit2Live each week? What do you like the most about Fit2Live?

Fit2Live for me is a community of like-minded and very welcoming people. It’s not just getting a great workout; it’s equally important to have fun which makes Fit2Live special. Shout out to all the coaches who take exceptionally good personal care by catering to every physicality.

What superpower would you want to possess?

I am a complete foodie:
Being able to eat as much as I want and still not gain any weight OR feel guilty would be SUPERCOOL :)If you could make one rule for everyone to follow for a day, what would it be?
Respect yourself and all others.


What CrossFit goal are you currently working on or do you want to achieve in the near future?

I am not working on any one movement per se. I would like to be consistent and regular for a better me and my family. Maybe, someday I may be able to get a bar OR a ring muscle up!

Want to start your fitness journey just like Phil did in 2014?

Take the next step with a FREE No Sweat Intro Consultation HERE.



Do You Need Machines to Get Fit?

Here’s a big question in the fitness world: Do you need machines to get fit? The short answer: No.  Here’s a very quick history lesson:


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


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