Why your habit didn’t stick

Have you ever sat down and thought about your daily habits? Where they came from, when you started them– what you are even doing without realizing it?

Do you tap your leg when trying to sit still? Or do you bite your nails when you are focused on reading something?

You don’t consciously think of doing these things because you’ve done them so often that they’ve become a HABIT.  Habits are things we do automatically; tasks we do subconsciously like walking or brushing our teeth…..

If you ever tried to build a new habit chances are you’ve failed a lot. And you probably convinced yourself you are too lazy, undisciplined, or unmotivated

But the truth is… it’s not YOU! We are all terrible at change! When you understand the reasons why you keep failing, you can find the solutions to finally break the cycle.

Let’s explore 3 reasons why your habits didn’t stick:

  1. Starting too big or starting too many habits at once: When creating new habits we often get very excited and are super ambitious about making a change so you tackle some pretty big habits all at once. This will leave you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted- it’s best to start small. Choosing one of the following habits is a great place to start.
  1. Striving for perfection: When you approach a new habit with the idea that it has to be perfect you’re setting yourself up for frustration and disappointment. Instead, plan for bumps in the road and how you will respond to them when they happen. Give yourself grace and go along for the ride.
  1. You didn’t see the value: When we’re not connected to our underlying why, the deeper reasons we wanted to change in the first place, we can easily wonder if the work we are doing is all worth it. You’ll begin to question everything you are doing and if you care to continue doing it. By connecting with your why, you will remain focused during difficult times. When you start to lose momentum or face adversity, your why will serve as a guiding light to tap into on days when your habit feels like just going through the motions.

If your habits didn’t work the first time around I encourage you to reflect on some of the factors we just reviewed that may have influenced your past attempts at creating new habits.

At Fit2Live we want to help you develop habits that lead you in the direction of your goals. You can schedule a Goal Review session HERE and a coach will help you set some goals or you can set up an appointment with Coach EJ HERE to find out how the support and accountability of Nutrition and Wellness coaching will help you make those healthy habits a part of your life.

You now know there are things you can do to make yourself more likely to succeed next time around. Use it as a learning opportunity. Good luck and happy habit forming!

UP NEXT…Why we choose Habit based nutrition and wellness coaching



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