Rachel Torrez and Aidan Tank-Members of the Month February 2023!

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February 2023

Get to know Rachel and Aidan’s Success Story at Fit2Live Below!

This month’s spotlight is on the down to Earth, hard working, intelligently awesome, frisbee throwing power couple Rachel Torrez and Aidan Tank!

This month’s spotlight will unfortunately be a going away one as this will be the last month Rachel and Aidan will be at Fit2Live as they will be moving to Utah at the end of the month. Nonetheless, they have both worked hard, had fun and seen some awesome results while at Fit2Live and their journey should be celebrated!

Rachel and Aidan have been members at Fit2Live since June of 2021. They are very involved in the community at Fit2Live both inside and outside of the gym. They are both incredibly encouraging and supportive each time they are in class. They also throw a mean frisbee disc and are quite the athletes. We will certainly miss having them at Fit2Live but wish them all the best as they conquer the next chapter in their lives. For these reasons and many more, Rachel and Aidan have been chosen as our member of the month for February. Valentine’s Day is also this month so fitting that we show off a great couple such as Rachel and Aidan ;).

Tell us about yourselves, where you’re from, what you do for work, what are your hobbies? How did you two meet?

Rachel- I grew up in a small suburb about 40min south of Chicago and went to undergrad at Loyola University of Chicago. After graduating from Loyola, I was accepted into the Medicinal Chemistry graduate program at the University of Michigan in 2017 and successfully defended my Ph.D. this past November. Basically, I have spent the past 6 years doing a ton of science but outside of that I love playing ultimate frisbee and actually do a fair bit of painting. Aidan and I met playing on the same mixed frisbee team and have been inseparable ever since. Plus, my cat MooMoo is pretty obsessed with Aidan so there is really no getting rid of him at this point.

Aidan- I was born and raised right here in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I work for the Ann Arbor Housing Commission, a branch of the City of Ann Arbor. We provide low income housing to residents in Washtenaw County. When I am not working or at the gym I can be found running around at an ultimate frisbee game, delving into an intense video game, playing a sweet new board game, or relaxing and watching all the sports. Speaking of frisbee, Rachel and I met back in the summer of 2018 at a frisbee tournament. It wasn’t until 2019 that we officially started dating.

When and why did you get started at Fit2Live?

Rachel- I first got started with Fit2Live back in 2018 with the Frisbee crew. Back then a group of us willingly gave up our Saturdays or Sundays to get tortured first by Cassie and then by Brandon. During the pandemic it became harder to get enough Frisbee people to come each week so Aidan and I just decided to join the gym. We already loved the coaches and workouts, so it felt like the next logical step. Also during this time, I was starting to phase out of playing frisbee in general and after dealing with a few knee issues I wanted to make my body stronger and healthier overall.

Aidan- I got started at Fit2Live doing “frisbee sunday” classes, but all that stopped when the pandemic hit. After plenty of nights on the couch, we decided to take our fitness seriously and actually join the gym as members in the summer of 2021.

Unfortunately, this is a see you later Members of the Month as February will be your last month at Fit2Live. Where are you two headed next and what will you be doing?

We will be heading to Salt Lake City Utah! I (Rachel) got a Postdoc position in Dr. Janet Iwasa’s lab and will be working on molecular animations. Basically visualizing and animating other scientists research. If you want to see more of what this lab is all about go check it out at animationlab.utah.edu

What have you loved most about Fit2Live, what kept you coming back consistently, and together?

Rachel-The people and coaches. I never thought a gym could feel so welcoming and warm until joining F2L. We are sad to be leaving but so happy to have been a part of this gym.

Aidan-The community. There are so many awesome people at the gym we get to see multiple times a week. They become your family away from home and make you excited to tackle the next grueling workout.

Aidan, describe Rachel in 1 sentence to someone who hasn’t met her. Rachel, describe Aidan in 1 sentence to someone who has never met her.

Aidan (from Rachel) If you are looking for someone to have a thoughtful, in-depth conversation with or just wanting to goof around and laugh over nonsense, Aidan should be at the top of your list.

Rachel (from Aidan)- Rachel is the type of person that always makes you feel welcome with her warmth, kindness, and empathy yet is also fun, playful, and sarcastic and it is with that balance that makes her awesome.

Give us one fun, maybe unknown fact about each of you.

Rachel- I was once in a rodeo doing barrel racing and spent most of high school at the stables share boarding horses.

Aidan- I spent a year abroad in London studying at the London School of Economics my Junior year in College.

What is one thing (maybe the best thing) that you have learned in your time at Fit2Live?

Rachel- I have learned that burpees are not that worst thing in the world…bike calories are.

Aidan- One thing, wow. It’s hard to pinpoint just one. If I had to pick, I would say that fitness is a journey and you have to enjoy each step. There are a ton of cool things you can accomplish with the CrossFit discipline, but they cannot be achieved overnight. There have been ups and downs, injuries and PRs, however the one constant has been staying active every day. I have surprised myself with how far I have come.

Give yourselves a power couple nickname. Now make a power couple workout with that name. What movements, repetitions, format, etc?


For Time:

800m run

10 Deadlifts (95/135lb or 55-65% 1 rep max) 

10 Power Cleans

10 toes to bar 

400m run

8 Deadlifts

8 Power Cleans

8 toes to bar

200m run

6 Deadlifts

6 Power Cleans

6 toes to bar

100m run

4 Deadlifts

4 Power Cleans 

4 toes to bar



Song- CLOUDS by NF

Book- Jurassic Park 

Movie- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes 

TV Show- Any criminal/serial killer show or documentary 

Quote- “You can quit if you want to” -Coach Sharon (said with love of course)

Song- Read My Mind – The Killers
Book- Dune by Frank Herbert
Movie- The Dark Knight
TV Show- Avatar, The Last Airbender
Quote- “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

You are both quite the Ultimate Frisbee players. Pitch us on why we should start playing ultimate and the best way to get started.

Rachel- Do you have too much free time on your hands? Have a passionate need to chase a flying plastic plate through the air in a large open field? Or maybe just enjoy intense cardio after a night of drinking like an 18 year old again? Then come join Ultimate Frisbee where you will make friends for life by bonding over how horrible your knees are and how you should really join an amazing gym like Fit2Live for more injury prevention. If you’re interested in learning more go check out Ann Arbor Ultimate. There are plenty of Fall, Winter, and Summer leagues for all ages and skill levels. Ultimate Frisbee is honestly a great time and you will meet amazing people. 



Aidan- Frisbee is a fantastic way to get in some cardio and has a great community (not too different from our gym!). Also, it has a cool disc that is very fun and addicting to toss around. The best way to get started is by joining a league. For Ann Arbor, find all the information at annarborultimate.org.


What is your biggest fitness accomplishment to-date and what fitness goal are you most pursuing/working towards currently?

Rachel- Biggest fitness accomplishment would have to be climbing to the top of the rope climb. I am not a fan of heights, so it has felt so satisfying to now be able to consistently climb to the top of the rope nearly every time. Right now, my fitness goal is working towards a free-standing handstand or handstand mostly because it is just fun to do. 

Aidan- I went from being extremely uncomfortable to be upside down to nonchalantly kicking up into a handstand hold. I am currently working on strength goals. It would be great to hit a 300 lb back squat before leaving!



Want to start your fitness journey just like Rachel and Aidan?

Take your first step with a FREE NO SWEAT INTRO CONSULTATION!

We’ll chat about your goals and how we can best help you to start taking action towards them.

Hope to see you soon!




💥VOTED BEST GYM IN ANN ARBOR!💥 It’s official! Fit2Live has been crowned the BEST Gym in Ann Arbor by voters of Current Magazine. This recognition


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