Watch the Standard Warm-Up Video Here
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 of:
- Strict Dips
- Strict Chin-Ups
*30 Double-unders after each round
Stimulus Goal:
Why Do This Workout?
We all need a good pump session from time to time, this workout will make those summer t-shirts fit a little snugger in all the right ways, hello biceps and triceps!
The double-unders are sprinkled into this workout to keep the heart rate up and to add a dash of cardio on top!
Duration and Feel: Between 12-16 minutes. Fairly casual on the dips and chin-ups but pick up the pace and try to go unbroken on double-unders. This won’t be a maximal intensity workout as you’ll need some strategic rest with the strict movements.
Dip and chin-up variation: Pick a variation that you could do at least 5 in a row while fresh. You should only need to break up the sets of 6,8 and 10 one time, maybe 2 in the round of 10.
Specific warm-up focus: Shoulder mobility and dips/chin-up prep.
Scaling Options:
Ring dips–> matador dips –> banded matador dips –> parallette dips –> bench/chair dips
Chin-ups–> banded chin-ups –> kneeling chin-ups –> ring rows with supinated grip
Double-under –> power jump singles –> single-unders
At Home Options: Do bench or chair dips instead of ring dips. Do dumbbell bent over rows with a supinated grip (palm facing away) each arm instead of chin-ups. Power jumps if no jump rope.