Member of the Month-Jennifer Melchi

August 2018

Get to know “THE” Jenny Melchi!

What was your main reason/why did you decide to join Fit2Live 10 years ago?

I had been playing competitive soccer for many years and was looking for something to enhance my fitness and to make a change to my normal routine. My husband Mark had been bugging me to try CrossFit and mentioned he read in the Ann Arbor Observer of a new CrossFit gym opening and that it was owned by two woman, so we went and checked it out. I am still here!

What was your first memory of Fit2Live?

My first memory of Fit2Live (then Joust) was walking into my first class 30 minutes late, and how welcoming they were anyway. Melissa was teaching class that day.

What was your first workout that you fondly remember at Fit2Live?

Very early on Jenn Cornell invited me to do a workout with her, she said it shouldn’t take too long … well about 30 minutes later I was dying, we’ve been friends ever since!

This was the workout:

1 mile run
21 Back Squat
21 Push-ups
21 Pull-ups
800 meter run
15 Back Squat
15 Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
400 meter run
9 Back Squat
9 Push-ups
9 Pull-ups
200 meter run

What advice would you give to a new member starting at Fit2Live and with CrossFit?

Just keep coming back, give it a few months.

What has been your biggest achievement at Fit2Live?

There have been many over the years but my most recent is I finally got my double-under after 10 years.

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

What is your favorite exercise/movement?

Anything with the barbell, I love the barbell.

What is your favorite WOD?

I love the long chippers, with a barbell of course. I love endurance WODS.

What do you love the most about Fit2Live and what keeps you coming back?

The people, the community, I love that I can do it with my sons and how welcome they have felt since day one.
I have made so many amazing friends, it is incredible.

What are your future goals/achievements at Fit2Live?

I will turn 55 in February, it is the first time the weights will drop for me in the Open.
My goal is to do well in the 2019 CrossFit Open.


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Take the next step with a FREE No Sweat Intro Consultation HERE.




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