Today’s WOD (Workout Of the Day) at Joust Strength + Fitness Ann Arbor, MI
Watch the Standard Warm-Up Video Here
For Time!
15-12-9 of:
Deadlifts (155/225) (50-55%)
Strict Pull-Ups
1 minute rest then:
15-12-9 of:
Deadlifts (155/225) (50-55%)
Strict Toes to Bar
Stimulus Goal:
Why Do This Workout?
To strengthen your posterior chain with all the deadlifts and lats your body can handle! Lats give you wings!
You will have a greater ability to pick things up and put them down in addition to scaling whatever rock face your heart desires.
Duration and Feel: Between 10-14 minutes. Knock out large sets on deadlifts knowing you’ll need to break the strict pull-up and strict toes to bar sets up. This one won’t quite be max intensity but it will get your heart rate up. You will feel the pump!
Barbell Weight and pull-up variation: Deadlift weight should be one that you could do 10-12 unbroken while fresh, roughly 50-55% of 1 rep max. You should only need to break each set up 0-1 times. Pick a pull-up variation that you can do at least 5 strict pull-ups while fresh.
Specific warm-up focus: Hamstrings, deadlift and pull-up prep.
Scaling Options: Lighter weight on barbell. Scale pull-ups to a band, kneeling pull-ups or ring rows. Scale toes to bar to knees to elbows, arm pits or chest.
At Home Options: Complete alternating dumbbell deadlifts for barbell deadlifts, dumbbell split lunge rows each arm for pull-ups and v-ups for toes to bar