Today’s WOD (Workout Of the Day) at Joust Strength + Fitness Ann Arbor, MI
Watch the Standard Warm-Up Video Here
EMOM 18!
Min 1: 2 Deadlifts (155/225) (55-60%)
Min 2: 2 Toes to bar
Min 3: 2 Burpeese
Min 4: 4 Deadlifts
Min 5: 4 Toes to Bar
Min 6: 4 Burpeese
Min 7: 6 Deadlifts
Min 8: 6 Toes to bar
Min 9: 6 Burpeese
Min 10: 8 Deadlifts
Min 11: 8 Toes to bar
Min 12: 8 Burpeese
Min 13: 10 Deadlifts
Min 14: 10 Toes to bar
Min 15: 10 Burpeese
Min 16: 12 Deadlifts
Min 17: 12 Toes to bar
Min 18: 12 Burpeese
Stimulus Goal:
Why Do This Workout?
This workout will teach you pacing in the front half of the EMOM as well as barbell cycling/touch and go reps on the barbell. Towards the end of the EMOM the lines will be blurred between AMRAP and EMOM. You WILL have more functional fitness, core and posterior strength when this workout is done.
Try to hang on and get all of the work done!
Duration and Feel: You should have at least 50 seconds of rest to start this workout but don’t get too comfortable with that luxurious amount of rest, it will be diminished each minute until the EMOM turns into an uncomfortable AMRAP ;).
Barbell Weight: The weight for deadlifts should feel moderate to moderately heavy, a weight you could do 10-12 reps unbroken while fresh, roughly 55-60% of 1 rep max. You should be able to go unbroken on most sets of deadlifts today.