Building a Healthy Plate
Keeping our meals balanced with protein, carbohydrates and fat is important because it helps us feel satisfied, sustains our energy, and keeps us feeling full for longer.
What you put on your plate matters!
Here are 4 steps to building a healthy plate.
1. Pick a protein.
*Stick with lean sources like chicken, fish, and plant based options.
2. Choose a carbohydrate.
These include non starch veggies, fruits, whole grains, starch veggies (potatoes), rice, pasta.
3. Add some healthy fat.
Examples are avocado, nuts, olive oil and remember with fat, a little goes a long way.
4. Use the plate method to stay within healthy portion sizes.
Fill half your plate with non-starch veggies, a quarter of your plate with protein, a quarter of your plate with a starch and then add a serving of fat to round out the meal.