Boxes and Dumbbells!

Standard warm up, 8 Minutes to complete:
400m Run/Row or 1000m Bike, 5 forward PVC Rollouts, 5 reverse PVC rollouts, 15 PVC Overhead Squats, 5 Inch Worms + 2 Shoulder Taps at top and bottom, 20 Seal Jumping Jacks, 5 Piked Push-Ups, 5 Strict Chin-Ups, 15 second hollow body hold, 15 second arch body hold,  practice kicking up to handstand in remaining time

Warm up link here


10 minutes to establish a safe max height box jump


EMOM 8 of: every minute on the minute complete:

-3 DB Hang Clean and Jerk left arm

-3 box jumps

-3 hang clean and jerk right arm (35/50)

Then after minute 8 is complete go right into:

AMRAP 3 of: 

-3 DB hang clean and jerk left arm

-3 DB box jumps (20/24)

-3 DB hang clean and jerk right arm

Stimulus Goal:

Why Do This Workout?  Think “hips” through this whole workout. The box jumps and clean and jerks will both develop the explosiveness of your hips, as well as develop their capacity to hinge and engage over long periods of time. 

Duration and Feel: The box jumps shouldn’t feel fatiguing, but your hips and legs should definitely feel warm afterwards.  The EMOM 8 + AMRAP 3 should feel like a mile run. The first 3/4 of it should be tough, but paced. Then, the last 1/4 of the workout, kick hard like you would on the last lap of a mile run. Your goal is to get more reps during the ARMAP 3 than you would if it had remained an EMOM. The weight for the DB should be heavy, but not so heavy that you can’t seamlessly transition from the dumbbell to the box jumps and back. 

Specific warm-up focus: Warm the shoulders up with some pressing so they are ready for push jerks. If you’re typically tight in the shoulders, do some banded shoulder distraction before class. 

Scaling Options: Lighter weight on DB. Lower box heights for box jumps.


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