It happens all too often.
We get busy and excuses for our activity, or lack there of, start to get in the way.
You think to yourself, I just don’t have time to workout.
I’m too busy.
Maybe you’re thinking you need at least 30 minutes to get a workout in.
I’ve got news for you, you don’t.
Life will continue to get in the way and workouts are rarely perfect.
So start today with any amount of time you’ve got.
Do the same thing tomorrow and the next day.
It’s about consistently moving your body in any amount of time, not getting the perfect workout in once a month (if you’re lucky(.
Try the movement prescription below with the time you have, even if it’s only 1, 5 or 10 minutes.
Do this at least 3 times a week and you’ll be well on your way to more health and functional fitness.
Here it is, no excuses, get something done today!
*If you have one minute, drop to the floor. Jump up again. Repeat as many times as you can.
*If you have five minutes, sit down and stand up. When you get tired, turn around and do push-ups on the chair. When you get tired, go back to squats.
*If you have ten minutes, pick four exercises and rotate through them: 20 seconds of work, then rest for 10 seconds.
*If you have fifteen minutes, get on the floor and stand up. Do deep walking lunges for 10 steps. Get on the floor and stand up again, then walk back. The next round, do two burpees between the lunges, then 3, then 4…
*If you have twenty minutes, go outside and run from one light pole to the next as fast as possible. Walk back. Then go again.
*If you have thirty minutes, go outside. Walk for ten. Do the 10-minute workout above. Walk back.
If you have an hour, come to Fit2Live with us. 🙂
Your schedule will never be perfect.
Do what you can in the time you have.
Having trouble making time?
Maybe this is all too overwhelming for you?
Our coaches and community can help!