100 At-Home/Travel Workouts to Take Your Fitness to the Next Level!

Whether you’re going remote or staying remote, don’t let a change in schedule prevent you from maintaining your hard earned fitness. Knock out some of these travel/at-home workouts requiring little to no equipment.

Here are some extra tips to get the most out of the workouts below!

Don’t forget a warm-up

Try this simple and effective warm-up to prepare your body to move

Or this one if you’re in a hurry:

10 Inch worms (add a push-up at the bottom), 10 good mornings, 10 air squats, 10 arm circles front and back, 5 spider stretch rotations each leg, 20 second hollow body hold, 20 second arch hold, kick butt and be awesome!

Get creative with the workouts, keep it constantly varied

Mix and match different workouts and formats, run outside or on a treadmill, swap in biking or rowing in place of running when you can. Try different variations for squats or push-ups while still maintaining proper joint range of motion and mechanics. Sub tuck jumps for box jumps, bar, dumbbell, kettlebell or ring rows in place of pull-ups, don’t repeat the same workout in back to back days, etc

Scale appropriately

Treat these workouts just like your regular workouts at Fit2Live. If range of motion, technique or intensity is drastically taking a hit or you’re just not feeling up to the volume or movement pattern, scale them back appropriately to keep you healthy and to maintain the stimulus of the intended workout. Break large sets up strategically while still maintaining intensity and range of motion. Scale the variation of the movement if needed (push-ups to knee or incline push-ups, pull-ups to a ring row or bar rows, most parks have one, handstand push-ups to piked push-ups or regular push-up variations, lunges to step-ups, toes to bar to knees to elbows or chest, etc).

Mix and match different workouts from the list

Getting bored of the list of workouts or movements? Don’t let that stop you, combine 1, 2 or 3 workouts together, do one round from several different workouts to create a nasty and fun chipper workout. The possibilities are literally endless. Keep it constantly varied and fun.

Ever played Russian Roulette? Why not try workout roulette! Close your eyes, put your finger on your screen or paper and scroll down the list of workouts, stop randomly and conquer whatever workout you stop on, no excuses, just do it and have fun!

Add weight and volume when appropriate

If you’re feeling up to more of a challenge or just getting bored with bodyweight you can easily add a weight vest, dumbbell to squats or lunges, or a child or pet to most of the workouts below. Add a tougher variation of a movement when equipment and technique allows: ring dips, deficit push-ups, goblet squats or presses with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or weighted item (get creative here, you can usually add weight with plenty of odd objects around your house or at a gym to make a movement slightly more challenging and fun, small children and pets work great for certain sets of squats or presses). If you feel like you need more work after the prescribed workout is complete, chose another one from the list or add more rounds/repetitions to the workout you just completed. If you feel like you’ve hit your stimulus for the day or you just don’t have enough gas in the tank, leave it at that and come back stronger the next day.

Track Your Progress

Don’t forget to keep track of your progress with each workout you complete from the list. Record your movement variations, weights and time completed. Test and re-test workouts every few months to track your fitness progress. If you have an unlimited membership at Fit2Live you get access to one of the best fitness trackers with Beyond the WhiteBoard!

Have Fun!

The only way you’ll regularly workout while away from Fit2Live is if you get excited about training and have fun with it. Grab a friend or family member to join you, spread the fitness love and knowledge you’ve acquired at Fit2Live and tackle these workouts together. Use this as an opportunity to practice different movements or to get better at a specific movement, hello more push-ups and handstand! Don’t put pressure on yourself to perform. Just start by moving and if you’re feeling great, up the intensity with good technique, if not, just moving is better than nothing at all, and it’s likely what your body needs for that day.

Alright, enough said, get to work tackling the awesome list of workouts below!



If you need more guidance or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Fit2Live Gym!



100 High Intensity and Functional Workouts to Conquer!

#1. 3 Rounds For Time: Run 800m, 50 Air Squats

#2. 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups, 10 Air Squats 

#3. 250 Air Squats For Time: *Every minute on the minute stop and do 3 burpeese

#4. 5 Rounds For Time: Run 200m, 10 Squats, 10 Push-Ups 

#5. 3 Rounds For Time: Run 200m, 25 Push-ups 

#6. 3 Rounds For Time: 10 Handstand Push-ups, Run 200m

#7. 20 Rounds For Time: 5 Push-ups, 5 Squats, 5 Sit-ups

#8. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Countdown of: Sit-Ups, Push-Ups OR Air Squats *100m sprint between each set 

#9. 21-15-9 of: Air Squats, Push-ups, Sit-Ups

#10. Accumulate 5 minutes in a handstand *Complete 10 air squats every time you rest/break

#11. For Time: Run 1 mile, 2 miles or a 5k!

#12. 6 Rounds For Time: 10 Push-ups, 10 Air Squats, 10 Sit-Ups

#13. 10 Rounds For Time: 3 Tuck Jumps, 3 Squats, 3 Broad Jumps

#14. 10 Rounds For Time: 30 Second Handstand Hold, 10 Squats

#15. 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Push-ups, Run 100m

#16. For Time: Run 1 mile, 10 Air Squats and/or 10 push-ups every 200m

#17. 5 Rounds For Time: 30 Second Handstand Hold, 20 Air Squats 

#18. 250 Air Squats For Time!

#19. 5 Rounds For Time: 10 Tuck Jumps, 10 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups 

#20. For Time: 100 Burpeese, OH YEAH!

#21. Black Jack! 21-1 countdown of push-ups, 1-21 count up of air squats (round 1=21 push-ups, 1 air squat, 2=20 & 2, 3=19 & 3)

#22. 5 Rounds For Time: 1 Minute Handstand Hold, 1 Minute Yogi Squat or Wall-Sit

#23. 10 Rounds For Time: Sprint 100m, Walk 100m 

#24. For Time: 100 Push-ups, *20 jumping jacks every time you rest/break

#25. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Countdown For Time of: Burpeese & Sit-ups

#26. 3 Rounds for time of: 50 Sit-ups, Run 400m

#27. 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Walking Lunges, 10 Push-ups

#28. 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Burpeese, Run 100m

#29. 4 Rounds For Time: Run 400m, 50 Air Squats

#30. 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Push-ups 10 Squats

#31. Tabata Air squats and push-ups: 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest, 8 total rounds of squats and push-ups

#32. For Time: Run 800m, 100 Air Squats, Run 800m

#33. 7 Rounds For Time: 7 Air Squats, 7 Burpeese

#34. 5 Rounds For Time: 30 Air Squats, 30 Push-Ups, 30 Sit-Ups. * Rest the amount of time it took to complete each round

#35. For Time: Run 1 mile — do 10 Push-ups every minute

#36. 8 Rounds For Time: Run 100m, 30 Air Squats

#37. 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Sit-ups, 10 Burpeese

#38. For Time: 200 Jumping Jacks, 200 Mountain Climbers

#39. For Time: 100 Jumping Jacks, 75 Air Squats, 50 Push-ups, 25 Burpeese 

#40. 5 Rounds of: Run 1 minute, Squat for 1 minute

#41. 20 Rounds For Time: 10 Air Squats, 10 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups *Rest 1 minute after every 5 rounds are complete

#42. AMRAP 15 of: 5 Air Squats, 5 Push-Ups, 5 Sit-Ups

#43. 3 Rounds For Time: 30 Jumping Jacks 20 Air Squats, 10 Burpeese

#44. 10 Rounds For Time: Run 100m, 20 Air Squats

#45. For Time: 100 Push-Ups, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Air Squats

#46. 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 of: walking lunges & hand release push-ups 

#47. 3 Rounds For Time: 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats

#48. AMRAP 15 of:  2-4-6-8-10…..of: Push-Ups, Air Squats, Sit-Ups

#49. 21-15-9 of: Walking Lunges (each leg) Handstand Push-ups 

#50. Filthy Fifty For Time! 50 Jumping Jacks, 50 Push-Ups, 50 Air Squats, 50 Sit-Ups, 50 Lunges, 50 Box Jumps, 50 Mountain Climbers, 50 Hip Bridge Extensions, 50 Pull-Ups (sub row variation or jumping pull-ups), 50 Burpeese

#51. For Time: Run 1000m, 100 Air Squats, 50 Push-ups, 25 Pull-Ups

#52. Squats, burpeese or push-ups for time (pick a number between 100-500 and GO!)

#53. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Countdown of: Burpeese, Sit-Ups, Push-ups, Toe Touches

#54. AMRAP 20 of: 5 Handstand Push-ups, 10 Alternating Pistol Squats

#55. Annie! 50-40-30-20-10 for time of: Double-Unders, Sit-ups (Sub Jumping Jacks or Tuck Jumps for DU’s)

#56. 50-40-30-20-10 for time of: Single-Unders, Push-ups (sub jumping jacks or tuck jumps for jump rope)

#57. 500 Step-Ups For Time! Find a bench, box, or chair, alternate legs and start stepping! 

#58. For Time: Run 1 mile, 50 Squats, 50 Push-Ups, 50 Sit-ups, Run 1 mile

#59. 12-1 Countdown by 1’s of: Chair or Bench Dips, Air Squats

#60. Pump Sesh: 21-15-9 of: Handstand Push-ups, Chair or bench dips, Push-Ups

#61. For Time: 21 Pushups-42 Squats, 15 Push-Ups-30 Squats, 9 Push-ups-18 Squats 

#62. For Time: 500m Walking Lunges, stop every 100m and complete 10 burpeese

#63. For Time: Run 400m, 50 Air Squats, Run 400m, 50 Push-Ups, Run 400m, 50 Sit-ups, Run 400m

#64. For Time: 80-60-40-20 of Air Squats, 40-30-20-10 of Sit-Ups, 20-15-10-5 of Handstand Push-ups 

#65. For Time: 50 Walking Lunges, 800m Run, 50 Walking Lunges

#66. For Time: 20 Handstand Push-Ups, 40 Jumping Air Squats, 60 Sit-Ups, 80 Air Squats, 100 Double-unders 

#67. AMRAP 20 of: 10 Chair or Bench Dips, 10 Box Jumps, 10 Lunges or Step-Ups

#68. For Time: 60 Push-ups, Run 400m, 40 Pushups, Run 800m, 20 Push-ups, Run 1 mile (1600m)

#69. 5 Rounds For Time: 100 Single-Unders, 50 Squats, 200 Single-Unders, 30 Squats, 300 Single-Unders, 10 Squats

#70. For Time: 250 Double-Unders

#71. AMRAP 20 of: Run 400, Max rep pull ups OR push-ups, run again when you need to rest/can’t do more reps with good technique

#72. For Time: 100 Air Squats, 75 Sit-ups, 50 Box Jumps, Run 400m 

#73. 3 rounds for time of: Run 400m, 30 Back Extensions, 30 Sit-ups

#74. Max reps in 2 Minutes of: Double-Unders, 2 Minutes of Sit-ups Rest 2 minutes then: max reps in 90 seconds of Double-Unders, 90 seconds of sit-ups, rest 90 seconds, max reps in 60 seconds of double-unders, 60 seconds sit-ups, rest 60 seconds then 30 seconds max reps of double-unders and 30 seconds of sit-ups, done! 

#75. For Time: 75 Air Squats, 75 Burpeese, 75 Sit-Ups

#76. 10 rounds of: 20 Second wall-sit, 20 second hollow body hold, 20 second arch body hold, 20 second forward plank

#77. Every Minute On the Minute for 10 Minutes Complete: 6-10 burpeese

#78. Every Minute on The Minute Complete: 1 Air Squat, 1 Burpee in Minute #1, then 2 Air Squats, 2 Burpeese in Minute #2, then 3&3, 4&4, etc. Make it as far as you can!

#79. Cindy! AMRAP 20 of: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Air Squats

#80. Mary! AMRAP 20 of: 5 Handstand Push-Ups, 10 Alternating Pistols, 15 Pull-Ups

#81. Chelsea! EMOM 20 of: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Air Squats (reduce reps per round if you can complete in a minute)

#82. Bodyweight Nate: AMRAP 20 of: 2 Strict Pull-Ups, 4 Handstand Push-Ups, 8 Single Leg RDL’s

#83. Burpee Fran! 21-15-9 of: Burpeese and Pull-Ups

#84. Murph! For Time: Run 1 Mile, 100 Pull-Ups, 200 Push-Ups, 300 Air Squats, Run 1 Mile (break reps in the middle up however you like.

#85. 5 Rounds of: 1 Minute Plank, 1 Minute Max Air Squats

#86. AMRAP 14 of: 5 Burpee Broad Jumps, 10 Lunges

#87. Bodyweight Nancy: 5 Rounds for time of: 400m Run, 15 Air Squats (sub broomstick or something overhead for air squats)

#88. 5 Rounds for time of: 10 Plank to Push-Up, 10 Jumping Air Squats

#89. 50 Burpee + Box Jumps for time! (Sub burpee + tuck or star jump if no box or bench)

#90. Booty Blaster! 50 Hip Bridge Extensions, 50 Air Squats, 50 Reverse Lunges, 50 Single Leg RDLs, 50 Step-Ups, 50 Side Lunges

#91. 5 Rounds of: 10 Deck Squats, 10 Burpeese

#92. AMRAP 30 of: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Sit-Ups, 20 Air Squats, 400m Run

#93. 12-1 Countdown of: V-Ups, Push-Ups

#94. Run, row or bike for 30 minutes. Every 2 minutes stop and do 5 Air Squats and 5 Push-Ups

#95. Toes to Bar Cindy! AMRAP 20 of: Rounds of: 5 Toes to Bar, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Air Squats

#96. 15-12-9-6-3 Countdown of: Toes to Bar, Burpee + Broad Jump

#97. Alternating Tabata of: 16 total rounds of 20/10 intervals (work for 20, rest for 10 seconds) alternating between: Hollow Body Hold, Wall-Sit

#98. AMRAP 16 of: 5 Side/Lateral Lunges each leg, 5 Burpeese

#99. 300 Double-Unders, 250 Air Squats, 200 Sit-Ups, 150 Push-Ups, *Break reps up however you desire

#100. For Time! 100 Air Squats, 100 Burpeese, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Pull-Ups, 100 Box Jumps 







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