1 Mile Run and 3 Rounds


*7 minutes to complete the following:
25m skip forward, 25m skip backwards, 400m run, 5 inch worm + 2 push-ups, 5 Front scale + back scale each leg, 10 hollow body rocks, 5 strict pull-ups, 15 wall squats, figure 4/Wall Drill (5 each leg then jogging against wall)

Watch the Standard Warm-Up Video Here


New Fit2Live Standard warm-up +10 second single leg hip bridge


1 Mile Baseline Test

Rollout legs when you return

2k row in place of 1 mile run for anyone not able to run

*Record 1 mile times in Beyond the Whiteboard after class


3 rounds for time of:

  • 6 Deadlifts,
  • 6 Hang Power Clean,
  • 6 Push Jerks (95/135)
  • 12 Burpee + Step-ups (24/20)


Stimulus Goal:

Why Do This Workout?

To improve our cardio respiratory endurance and to know that we can outrun the zombies (up to a mile in distance of course).

We’ll balance out the cardio with a short and sweet explosive strength workout for time.

Lightning and thunder, the best of both worlds.

Duration and Feel: Do what you can in the 1 mile run. Try to finish under 12 minutes. Goal for the 3 rounds is between 6-9 minutes. The barbell complex should take between 60-90 seconds, the burpee step-ups should take between 60-90 seconds. Try to hang on to that pace and you’ll hit the stimulus goal.

BB Weight: Should feel light for deadlifts, moderate for hang power cleans and a little heavy for jerks. Try to go unbroken in each round and “recover” on the burpee step-ups, it won’t be easy but it will be worth it.

Specific warm-up focus: New Fit2Live warm-up and 1 mile run then barbell complex overview and warm-up.

Scaling Options: Row a 2k or Bike a 4k if no running. Lighter weight on barbell.


Do You Need Machines to Get Fit?

Here’s a big question in the fitness world: Do you need machines to get fit? The short answer: No.  Here’s a very quick history lesson:


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


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